Picture: PANDA 2021 Vol 13, 104 paged special edition ENVIS Sikkim Hub Newsletter being released by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Prem Singh Tamang and other dignitaries on the occasion of state function of celebrating "A Day for Mother Earth" on July 7, 2021 at Dentam, West Sikkim.
Editorial Note:
The UN's decadal call (2021-2030) for Ecosystem Restoration reverberates deep concerns for life on the planet and more so for mankind in current times. It is a clarion call for global actions that will assist in recovering of ecosystems that are degraded or destroyed on one hand while conserving the ecosystems that are still intact and ensure that they stay so on the other.
Sikkim stands proud today as the state with the best environmental policies in accordance to FAO selected among 25
other countries nominated in this category. The state has a host of green policies that are aligned with development initiatives to comprehend NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with primary focus on the environment, society and economy. Sikkim has initiated a carbon negative vision in line with IPCC SR 15 report to achieve the targets determined in the Paris Agreement whereby the rise of global temperature needs to be maintained below 2°C, preferably at 1.5°C. In sync with the NDC goals, Sikkim has managed to maintain its forest and tree cover at 47.12% of its geographical area and remains an overall carbon negative state so far. Our greatest strength lies in the blessings of the Creator as a mega biodiversity hotspot. Amidst all, Sikkim is one of the fastest growing economies in the country. The state's GDP per capita is rated second in the
country after Goa.
If we as a State, learn to cherish our environment then we can always be assured that the environment would in its ways cherish our existence in perfect harmony with nature. Let us restore the degraded environment and preserve what we are endowed with and leave a pristine natural legacy for posterity.
I hope you will find this edition informative. » See the Publication
M. L. Srivastava, IFS
Addl. Chief Secreary cum PCCF
Forest and Environment Department
Government of Sikkim