ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024



#PlasticFreedomChallenge  | August 8-15, 2023




We are excited to collaborate with ZERO WASTE HIMALAYA and share #PlasticFreedomChallenge during August 8-15, 2023 as our campaign that builds on The Himalayan Cleanup as a runup to celebrate Independence Day.


1. Do register at https://forms.gle/edTiV2EC4xAj6eax7


Once registered, choose any post to announce that you are taking the plastic freedom challenge. Share and tag atleast 5 friends asking then to take the challenge. The selection of images are in the link below:

2. #plasticfreedomchallenge contest


An opportunity to feature the #plasticfree efforts of your school, business or even as an individual. We know you all are doing your part. Make a reel or short video highlighting the activities and post it online by tagging us with #zerowastehimalaya #plasticfreedomchallenge #plasticfree


3. If you have registered, please challenge your friends/ family to take up the challenge as well.


We would also love to hear of what you are giving up as part of the challenge. Tell us through a simple post on social media and tag us. Lets keep raising our voices against plastic pollution. Our mountains deserve better.


Pls share it with your students for wider participation.

Reach out to us for any questions you may have.