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| Last Updated:16/03/2022


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Webinar on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies and Strategies

 Webinar on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies and Strategies

Environment Information System (ENVIS), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India at TERI, New Delhi and Sikkim ENVIS Hub on Status of Environment is organizing a webinar on ‘Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies and Strategies’ on March 21, 2022.


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The impacts of climate change—increasing temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, extreme weather events, and sea level rise—have significant implications for human well-being and economic growth. They directly affect development strategies and investments in sectors as diverse as infrastructure, agriculture, water, urban planning, and health. Policymakers and development practitioners are increasingly recognizing the need to anticipate and prepare for the impacts of climate change. A growing number of countries are including adaptation objectives in their national and subnational development policies, as well as working across sectors and ministries to integrate resilience strategies into planning. Building resilience doesn’t just help safeguard ecosystems from intensifying impacts, but it also underpins successful policies to reduce climate risks across a wide range of sectors, from agriculture and water to transportation and health. By continuing this work, practitioners can help ensure that climate change adaptation is factored in a way that reduces poverty, promotes sustainable economic growth and helps achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Discussions at the event will focus on:


  1. Need for Mainstreaming climate change into development policies

  2. Challenges faced in mainstreaming and implementation of development policies and strategies

  3. Understanding the linkages between climate change, economy, poverty and national development goals

  4. Role of data monitoring for analysis

  5. Integrating resilience strategies into policy planning

  6. Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments followed by economic analysis to develop policies

  7. COP26- India’s Targets for achieving the climate goals through development initiatives

  8. Recommendations for strengthening of national policies for bridging the implementation gap in India


Make yourself aware of climate change action; please join us at the webinar. Together, let’s make this world a better place to live.


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» Webinar Agenda


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