ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024


Harit Diwali Swasth Diwali - Swachh Hawa Campaign



Sikkim SNA is conducting state-wide Harit Diwali Swasth Diwali - Swachh Hawa Campaign under SAP 2021-22 in collaboration with various stakeholders like Eco-Clubs, SPCB, Police, ULBs and local association. An awareness toolkit "Eco-friendly Diwali Celebrations" prepared by CERC, Ahmedabad is being propagated as resource materials. Activities also include poster, banner campaign in major towns, social media awareness, radio jingles, clean up drives and so on for propagation of Green Good Deeds focusing on successful implementation of state-wide ban on firecrackers and curbing the use of SUPs.


» Eco-Friendly Diwali Celebrations (Courtesy: CERC ENVIS RP)


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