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| Last Updated:06/08/2020


Upcoming Event

Plastic Freedom Challenge Aug 8-15


Plastic Freedom Challenge

Let us be a part of Zero Waste Himalaya initiative and go a week on August 8-15 without plastics, especially single-use plastics and celebrate this Independence Day plastic free!!!
Register here to pledge your action
8 August is Zero Waste Himalaya Day which marks the beginning of #PlasticFreedomChallenge - our Himalayan Campaign, which calls on you to go a week without plastics, specially the unnecessary ones we can do without. 
#PlasticFreedomChallenge is a response to the unhealthy and unsustainable lives that we are leading evident from The Himalayan Cleanups of 2018 and 2019 which showed that 97 percent of the waste collected was plastic waste, mostly single use. 
The challenge is a means of self-reflection on our consumption patterns and moving towards sustainable lifestyles. Our #PFC actions also challenge the existing unsustainable production systems and sends a message that producers need to close the tap on plastic pollution
In a planet thrown off balance by the pandemic, we need to be conscious of the choices we make and make way for a recovery that is more sustainable and just.  
We need your participation and influence to make this campaign reach out to people in all the mountain states and beyond.  
Here are a few suggestions for going plastic free:
1. Stop the use of plastic bags and PP bags. Always carry your own reusable bag. 
2. Do not use plastic/ Styrofoam/ thermocol plates, cups, spoons.
3. Refuse Plastic Straws and Plastic Cup Covers. You can do without these. Choose or Offer reusable or biodegradable.
4. Never buy plastic bottled water. Carry your own reusable water bottle and get it refilled.
5. Stop using products with microbeads. Check the label.
6. Stop buying products packaged in multilayered plastic. Buy local and eat healthy.
7. Go beyond and learn more about what other items of use are made of plastics, (teabags/ clingfilms, wet wipes..) and give those up too. 
8. Demand sustainable products and processes.
Zero Waste Himalaya calls on YOU to be part of the #PFC by encouraging everyone to take a break from using plastic items for a week.
Please use these attached images for promoting the campaign with the tag #PlasticFreedomChallenge.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and a super successful campaign.
Source: Zero Waste Himalaya