ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024


March Environment Calendar - 2018


National Safety Day National Safety Day


March 4, 2018

The National Safety Day is celebrated on 4th March every year, to commemorate the Foundation day of the National Safety Council, India, with the ultimate objective of ensuring integration of Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) in work culture and life style. It has significantly contributed to reduction in the rate of Industrial accidents and created widespread safety awareness even in such Sectors which have not been covered by any Safety Legislation.


The National Safety Council’s theme for the campaign of 2018 is, “Reinforce positive behaviour at the workplace to achieve Safety and Health goals”. The campaign is aimed at renewing the commitment of Employees and general public to work safely throughout the year.



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International Women’s Day International Women’s Day


March 8, 2018

International Women’s Day celebrated on 8th March every year, is a global day celebrating the Social, Economic, Cultural and Political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action, for accelerating gender parity. Started by the Suffragettes in the early 1900’s, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in the year 1911.


The United Nations’ theme for 2018 is “Time is Now: Rural and Urban Activists transforming Women’s lives”. This year, the International Women’s Day, comes on the heels of unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice and provides opportunity to empower women in all settings, rural and urban while celebrating the activists who are working relentlessly to claim women’s rights and realize their full potential.


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International Day of Forests International Day of Forests


March 21, 2018

The International Day of Forests is celebrated worldwide every year on 21st March, to raise awareness about the importance of all types of Forests in our lives, their vital role in poverty eradication, environmental sustainability and food security and to encourage all countries of the world to promote Forest Conservation and Development.


The United Nations’ theme for 2018 is “Forests and Sustainable Cities”, aiming to support the model of Green Cities.


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World Water Day World Water Day


March 22, 2018

World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year, to acknowledge the importance of this resource and to promote its conservation.  The international observance is an opportunity to learn more about water related issues, be inspired to tell others and take action to make a difference.


As nature based solutions are required to overcome the challenges faced by this precious resource nowadays, the United Nations’ theme for 2018 is “Nature for Water”, motivating people to explore nature-based solutions to the water challenges we face in the 21st century.


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