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| Last Updated:30/04/2016


Upcoming Event

Brainstorming Session for Eastern and North Eastern ENVIS Centres


Quarterly brainstorming session for the first quarter of 2016-17 for Eastern and North Eastern ENVIS Centres is being organised and hosted by Sikkim State ENVIS on 6th of May 2016 at Forest Conference Hall, Deorali, Gangtok.



The session will be participated by two representatives each from 15 State and Thematic centres on this region. The session will be chaired by the officials from the ENVIS Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi.



The Agenda for the 1st brainstorming session duly incorporating the suggestions of the ENVIS Secretariat based on the expert’s feedback during the concluding session of the National Evaluation workshop held at New Delhi on February 17-20, 2016 will be as under;

  1. Role of ENVIS in Decision & Policy Making for the MoEF&CC and Road Map ahead.
  2. Collaborative projects on similar themes, regions to avoid redundancy/ duplicity of work.
  3. Concrete ideas to upgrade and strengthen the existing ENVIS Scheme.
  4. Addition/ modification in existing assigned subject areas of the ENVIS Centers.
  5. Inclusion of GIS/Geo Spatial tools in ENVIS Databases.
  6. Bringing out discussion papers/ research papers/ case studies etc. by similar themes of ENVIS Centers (i.e.NBRI & FRLHT, FRI & IFGTB etc)
  7. Any change in designation and salary structure of ENVIS Staff.
  8. Common title for all ENVIS newsletters (Hard copy/ e-version).
  9. Change in existing evaluation criteria /format.
  10. Any suggestion for Independent Expert Committee.
  11. Any suggestion for further improvement in the restructured/ under developed ENVIS website.
  12. Internship/ Training programmes under ENVIS.
  13. Mandate of Host Institution and mandate of ENVIS Center. (There has to be a clear demarcation between the two mandates)
  14. Any suggestions for extension pattern of ENVIS scheme.
  15. Whether the ENVIS Centers would like to continue with the current system of funding or they would like to go with project based funding.
  16. Propagation of ENVIS through media and advertisement.
  17. Special publications and value addition of resources (mobile apps etc).
  18. Add-on and Extension Services to offer.
  19. Suggestions for escalation of financial resources from the ministry and other funding agencies.
  20. Review of ENVIS Guidelines.


» List of Participants

» Programme Schedule