ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024


Training on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction

ISM GHGTraining on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction

March 4-6, 2016

Venue: ISM Industry Institute Interaction Facility, New Town, Kolkata


Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad is organizing 3 Day Training Program on ‘Greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction” during March 4-6, 2016’ at ISM Industry Institute Interaction Facility, New Town, Kolkata.


About 31% of the global carbon emission occurs due to transmission, and distribution of electricity and about 21% comes from other industries. Many actions to mitigate the present GHG scenario are being taken on global platforms. As first round commitments of Kyoto protocol, initiative was taken within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It strongly suggested anthropogenic sources to bring down the GHG emission 5.2% below their corresponding levels of emissions as it was in 1990 plus/minus the reduction commitment of the country. In order to comply with the global as well as national standards of GHG emission, development of emission inventory for the anthropogenic sources like energy sectors, mining industries, construction industries etc. are of utmost importance.


The aim of this training program is to provide a comprehensive knowledge towards the detailed understanding of the present scenario of GHG emission and air quality from perspective of environmental welfare and industrial development. The widely used procedures for developing GHG inventory and prediction of air quality will be discussed in depth which will be beneficial to the planners, decision makers and management personnel of different industries.




Contact Information:


Dr. Suresh Pandian E
Assistant Professor & Coordinator
Mobile: +91-9471191703 (M),
Email: suresh.pe.ese@ismdhanbad.ac.in
Prof. Asim Kumar Pal
Professor & Co-coordinator
Mobile: +91-9939160256
Email: palasim03@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Manish Kumar Jain
Associate Professor & Co-coordinator
Mobile: +91-9431711095
Email: manishjkm@gmail.com


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