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| Last Updated:02/08/2014


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World Ozone Day - Sep 16

16 September

The global theme for this year's (2013) celebration is:

"A healthy atmosphere, the future we want."

Ozone is a gas occurring naturally, forming a layer in the upper atmosphere that protects life on earth from the Sun's ultra-violet rays. This layer is threatened with destruction by man-made chemicals released into the air. World Ozone Day, declared by the UN in 1995, seeks to promote awareness of the damage and ways to reverse it by urgent action.

The UN General Assembly on 23rd January 1995 adopted a resolution 49/114 which proclaims 16th September as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol on the Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer which was signed on 16thSeptember, 1987.India become party to the Montreal Protocol in June 1992 and prepared the country program in 1993 for phasing out the Ozone Depleting Substances. Further, various policy measures including National Awareness Campaign have also been adapted for smooth implementation of provisions of the Montreal Protocol.