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| Last Updated:01/08/2024


Upcoming Event

Plastic Freedom Challenge 2024 (August 8-15)


Plastic Freedom Challenge 2024 (August 8-15)Plastic Freedom Challenge is back for 2024


Plastic Freedom Challenge (PFC) has been one of Zero Waste Himalaya’s annual campaigns since 2015 that runs from August 8 (Zero Waste Himalaya Day) to August 15 (Independence Day). PFC calls on all citizens to be independent from plastics and to break free from the shackles of plastics for a week.


Our struggle with plastics is real. And just as our well fought and well won independence, it will be a long one.


Day in and day out our lifestyles are being shaped and created, pushed by the glitz and glamour of false and misleading ads. We are caught in this unsustainable spiral of use and throw culture. This is a big burden on our planet. Our resources are depleting on the one hand, while on the other we are creating mountains of waste.


Our own health and well being is also compromised as plastic use has a serious impact through the leaching of toxic chemicals and microplastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a global crisis but we also witness the crisis at a local level.


There is an urgent need to break this mindless consumerism that we are trapped in, reclaim the sustainable lifestyles that we lived so effortlessly. And we need more and more people embracing these pathways that are good for us and our planet.


Sikkim EIACP/ENVIS and EEP State Nodal cell in collaboration with Zero Waste Himalaya invites all School/ College Eco-Clubs and all citizens and organizations to take part in the 10th edition of Plastic Freedom Challenge (PFC) during August 8-15, 2024 and also requests to plan for a plastic free Independence Day Celebration.


» Read More and Register

» Direct Registration Link

» See/ Download PFC 2024 Toolkit [PDF, 16.8 Mb]