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(Note: This Dashboard is for the period February 2023 to June 2024 | Checkout for more)
Mero Rukh Mero Santati is a novel green initiative conceptualized by Sikkim State Government to strengthen the connect between parents, children and nature by planting trees to commemorate child birth. It aims to plant 108 trees for every newborn child born in Sikkim. Watching the tree grow, as the baby grows, is a symbolic way of commemorating their arrival and is good for the planet as well.
Sikkimese society has had an intimate association with nature since time immemorial. We not only revere our mountains, lakes, rivers, caves and springs, but venerate the entire landscape as sacred. This initiative aims to reinforce this age-old bond of our society with nature. It aspires to co-create an ecosystem where both the tree and the child are able to reach towards the sun, a brighter tomorrow that promises vitality, health and happiness.
To ground this initiative various departments of the Government of Sikkim will converge to facilitate seamless service to the new parents right from enrollment to planting and after care. ASHA, Anganwadi workers, gram panchayats, urban local bodies and forest staff will facilitate the onboarding of the parents.
- To generate a sense of affinity and reverence for nature and compassion for flora and fauna in the state.
- To leave a better environmental legacy for future generations.
- To embrace plants as one's own child or friend.
- To improve the tree cover in the state.
- A step towards making Sikkim climate change resilient.
Salient Features 
- Convergence and coordination between various departments.
- Linking of Birth Registration with the MRMS platform.
- 108 saplings will be provided by the Forest and Environment Department and other Departments where applicable.
- Hassle free online and offline registration. Forms available at the nearest GVK/BAC/Forest Range Office etc.
- A dedicated WhatsApp Chatbot Number (+91 7431000333) for registration and any query/assistance.
- Incentives for maintenance and survival of the planted sapling.
- Avail advance increment (for State Government Employees). » See Office Memorandum dated 15.05.2023
- Avail other scheme benefits. » See Office Order dated 29.05.2023
- Avail benefits under Sikkim Shishu Samridhi Yojana wherein on completion of 108 tree plantation, the State Government will open a Fixed Deposit (FD) account of Rs. 10,800/- in State Bank of Sikkim in the name of the child to reap financial dividends after the child attains 18 years of age. » See Guidelines for availing benefits (Published on 19.09.2024) 
Registration [Registrations and all online facilitation has now moved to] 
Parents of newborn child born in Sikkim can enroll to be a part of this novel initiative.
ENROLL NOW !! and PLANT during favourable season with the support of Forest and Environment Department.
» Checkout MRMS Registration Dashboard (Period February 2023 to June 2024)
» Checkout New MRMS Portal and Dashboard (w.e.f 01st of August 2024) 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the objective of the ‘Mero Rukh Mero Santati’ initiative?
This is a novel green initiative of the Government of Sikkim to strengthen the connect between parents, children and nature by planting trees to commemorate child birth.
2. Is it a mandatory for all new parents to participate in this initiative?
This is a voluntary initiative, but all parents are urged to join hands and contribute to this noble cause.
3. Who are eligible for this initiative?
Parents of newly born children are eligible for this initiative.
4. How will parents come to know about this initiative?
- ASHA, Anganwadi workers, gram panchayats, urban local bodies and forest staff need to make the parents aware about this initiative even before the child is born.
- For this, all the ASHAs and Anganwadi workers will be made aware about this initiative by organizing sensitization workshops at the Block level.
- Forest department will also proactively nudge new parents who have not registered for this initiative in coordination with the Health Department by comparing with the Birth Registration Data.
5. How can parents register for this initiative?
Multiple options have been provided to ensure that no parent gets left out.
- A 'Hi' or 'Hello' message can be sent on WhatsApp No. +91 7431000333. Then follow the instructions of the WhatApp chatbot. Following this, a link to the parent enrollment form will be shared which needs to be filled up online. Once successfully registered, parents will receive an enrollment certificate/ acknowledgement slip. Upon successful plantation of 108 saplings, parents will receive plantation completion certificate/ congratulatory message from the Hon’ble Chief Minister on the mobile/ email.
- Parents can also directly register online by accessing the website
- Parents may also register online/ offline taking the support of the concerned ASHA, Anganwadi workers, gram panchayats, urban local bodies, forest staff.
- Registration can also be done using the hardcopy enrollment forms made available with the concerned ASHA, Anganwadi workers, gram panchayats, urban local bodies and forest staff.
6. What are the tangible benefits for the parents?
The forest department will coordinate the planting of 108 saplings in the land identified by the parents. Post plantation, the parents will receive a Plantation Certificate which can be used to avail several benefits from the State Government such as enrollement of Sikim Shishu Samridhi Yojana wherein the State Government will open a Fixed Deposit (FD) account ofRs 10,800/- in State Bank of Sikkim in the name of the child to reap financial dividends after the child attains 18 years of age. Other benefits include advance increment of State Government Employee, benefits for common public in other schemes of the Forest and Environment Department.
7. How do I get the saplings for planting?
During enrollement, information pertaining to the choice of species, number of plants, location etc. needs to be indicated. Based on this, the forest department will contact the parents during favourable plantation season or Santati Saptah during the month of July.
8. Where can I plant the birth trees/ Santati saplings?
The birth trees ort he Santati Saplings can be planted either on private land, community land or nearby forest land.
9. Do I get desired species of saplings for planting?
Yes, as far as possible.
10. When will this plantation take place?
Plantations will be carried out during the planting season preferably during June-August every year. Intensive MRMS planataion will also take place during the Santati Saptah / Parayavaran Parva from 1st -14th July every year.
11. Will some support be provided to plant 108 saplings?
Based on the ‘plantation demand placed’, the forest department will get in touch with the parents and coordinate the planting programme with them.
12. Who will own the planted saplings?
When planted in private lands, the land owner will own the birth trees.
13. Where can I get additional information on this initiative?
There are multiple channels available:
» WhatsApp No.: +91 7431000333
» Email:
» Website:
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Launching Event News
Gangtok, Febraury 2, 2023: Mero Rukh Mero Santati, a novel green initiative of the State Government to strengthen the connect between parents, children and nature by planting trees to commemorate child birth was officially launched in a grandeur programme organized by Forest and Environment Department at Manan Kendra, Gangtok .
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