The Chief Minister’s Green School Rolling Trophy and State Green Schools Award’
Sikkim State has the onus pride of being the first State in the country to launch and implement a prestigious award system ‘The Chief Minister’s Green School Rolling Trophy and State Green Schools Award’ that acknowledges the efforts of the school eco-clubs for their action towards environment protection and conservation.Chief Minister’s Rolling Trophy in Sikkim is an award scheme to reward the best performing schools that have brought about positive change in the school’s environment in terms of practices followed to improve the quality, usage, sustainability of Land, Air, Water, Energy and Waste resources. The award scheme got impetus when the Hon’ble Chief Minister ShriPawanChamling during his address at Chintan Bhawan on the occasion of World Environment Day celebration on 5th of June, 2011 announced cash incentives of Rs. 5.0 lakh to the best school, Rs. 1.0 lakh each for four other schools under Sr. Secondary and Secondary categories. This award scheme has now grown further to reward the efforts of Government Jr. High School, Government Primary School and Private School from the State with cash reward of Rs. 50,000/- each. The awards are presented on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th of June every year in a grandeur function.
» See the list of school awardee (2011 to 2017) 
Green School Programme- CSE
CSE's Green School Programme (GSP) is an environment audit programme in which teachers and students perform rigorous environment audits of water, air, land, energy, waste and food resources within their school premise. It aims to encourage and support schools to build up an environmentally aware, active and skilled community of teachers, students and parents. The novelty of CSE’s Green Schools Programme lies in the fact that it moves beyond theories and textbooks and concentrates solely on ‘doing’. It is an environmental education programme directed to subtly sensitizing students to the environment through hands-on and thoughtprovoking activities. It is also an environment management system that audits, through students, the consumption of natural resources within school campuses and helps schools become good environmental managers by deploying pragmatic solutions to reduce wastage of precious resources.
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