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| Last Updated:24/10/2024

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Swachhta Pakwada



Say No to SUP

Swachhta Pakwada observed during December 1-15, 2021


Sikkim ENVIS Hub, Forest and Environment Deparment, the State Nodal Agency (SNA) for implementing Swachhta Action Plan 2021-22 observed Swachhta Pakwada during December 1-15, 2021 across the state in compliance to the directions from the SSB cell of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.



During the Swachhta Pakwada several awareness activities on curbing Single Use Plastics (SUPs), awareness on air and water pollution were conducted in coordination with ULBs, Panchayats, Local Associations, SHGs, School Eco-Clubs with active participation from local youths and volunteers. Clean up drives, plastic litter pick up drives were conducted along roadsides, jhoras and nallahs. Awareness through propagation of Green Good Deeds were conducted through jingles for promoting eco-friendly way of life focussing on plastic waste management, waste segregation practices at source, practices to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, hugging the tree campaign for school children for instilling love towards Nature in young minds and so on.



» See detailed activity report