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| Last Updated:29/08/2024

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Green Teachers Training


Green Teacher's Training 2015Green Teachers Training 2015


August 20-22, 2015

ENVIS Centre at Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim conducted Three-Days training programme scheduled from August 20 to August 22, 2015 for 250 green teachers from various schools of the State at the Forest Conference Hall in Gangtok. The training is an ongoing programme for strengthening and implementing the National Green Corps (NGC) Eco-Club programme being implemented in Sikkim since the year 2000.


The training was conducted in batches of 100 green teachers from North and East District schools on the first day, a batch of 100 green teachers from South and West District schools on the second day and a batch of 50 green teachers selected from all districts on the third day.


The first two days training programme was focused on Solid Waste Management and Green Schools Auditing based on the Green Schools Programme for which resource persons from a New Delhi based reputed organization Centre for Science and Environment Ms Rangita Menon, Programme Director and Ms. Sanchita Deb Roy, Progrmme Officer from Enviornment Education Unit of CSE were invited. The training on green schools auditing was based on the manual "How Green Is Your School?" re-published by CSE. 


The third day training programme was based on the earthian schools programme funded by WIPRO Pvt. Ltd with the focus on water and biodiversity management in the schools. Mr Ashish Shah, Associate from earthian WIPRO imparted a short training cum orientation programme to introduce the earthian schools programme in the State. During the programme documentary films on environment were screened for the participants.


The training programme was intended to help the schools to prepare younger generation to understand current environmental challenges and build knowledge and skills through action oriented projects. The participating schools also registered for the National and State level Green Schools competitive programme. The Forest department also provided token grant-in-aid of Rs.2500/- each with resource materials like Eco-Club handbook, Green Schools Manual etc to all School Eco-Clubs.



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