ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, December 22, 2024

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Employment of FGs, BOs

Recruitment of Forest Guards (FGs) and Block Officers (BOs)  new



No. 48/GOS/FEWD Dated 25/04/2015


This is for the information of all the concerned that in pursuance to the Employment Notice No. 08/ADM/FEWMD dated 30/01/2015 for the post of 30 Block Officers, the preliminary selection exam is scheduled to be held on 24th May 2015 in the identified centres at Gangtok. The examination centres and time will be indicated in the Admit Card itself. The candidates may collect their Admit Card w.e.f 14th May to 20th May 2015 from the office of respective DFO (T) North, East, West, South and Head Quarter (Adm Section) Gangtok, where they had submitted their applications.


By Order
Joint Secretary (Administration)
Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management Department

» See the Original Notice



No. 49/GOS/FEWD Dated 25/04/2015

This is for the information of all the concerned that in pursuance to the Employment Notice No. 09/ADM/FEWMD dated 30/01/2015 for the post of 147 Forest Guards, the written exam is scheduled to be held on 31st May 2015 in the identified centres of all four (North, East, West and South) districts. The examination centres and time will be indicated in the Admit Card itself. The candidates may collect their Admit Card w.e.f 21st May to 26th May 2015 from the office of respective DFO (T) North, East, West, South and Head Quarter (Adm Section) Gangtok, where they had submitted their applications.


By Order
Joint Secretary (Administration)
Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management Department


» See the Original Notice 

 All applicants are requested to see the employment notice of the relevant post for details such as eligibility, method of selection, syllabus for preliminery / written examinations, physical edurance test etc.