ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Regional Workshop on Wetland Management held at Gangtok

Wetlands workshop

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India and Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management, Government of Sikkim is jointly organising two days regional workshop on “Conservation and Management of Wetlands” for Wetland Managers and Stakeholders of North Eastern States on 8th and 9th October 2018 in Gangtok.


The two days workshop has been inaugurated by Shri T.W. Lepcha, Hon’ble Minister, Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management, Mines, Minerals and Geology and Science Technology & Climate Change Departments, Government of Sikkim on 8th October 2018 at Gangtok. The workshop is being participated by representatives from seven North Eastern States of India including senior officers such as Additional Secretary, Joint Secretor, Director and Joint Director from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India and resource persons from various reputed institutes across the country.


Conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands through multiple stake holder participation involving government agencies, voluntary organizations and general public is essential for safe guarding the ecosystem health of the wetlands. Towards this goal, two day regional training cum awareness workshop is being organised for wetland managers. The two days workshop will feature technical sessions on resource sharing based on National Policy framework for wetlands conservation, develop an overview for key wetlands of the region being proposed for integrated management, assess specific issues constraining wetland management, share best practices on wetland management and collaboratively develop recommendations for strengthening conservation and wise use of wetlands in the region.


The second day of the workshop include field visit to Tsomgo-Bedang Tso wetland complex in East Sikkim.  


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