ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Green Teacher's Training Conducted for 200 Sikkim Schools

Teacher training 2016

ENVIS Centre at Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim organized two-days green teacher’s training programme on 29th and 30th September, 2016 at Forest Conference Hall here in Gangtok for 200 schools of the State. The training programme is an ongoing effort for strengthening the implementation of the National Green Corps (NGC) School Eco-Club programme being implemented in Sikkim since the year 2000.


The training was conducted in batches of 100 green teachers from North and East District schools on the first day and another batch of 100 green teachers from South and West District schools. The training programme was based on green schools auditing focusing on water and sanitation at schools. Green schools auditing is a nation-wide programme based on the Green Schools Programme Manual published by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi. Resource persons from CSE Ms Ranjita Menon and Ms Swati imparted the training.


The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Thomas Chandy, Principal Secretary cum PCCF and Shri. C. S. Rao, Chief Conservator of Forest. Highlighting the various environmental achievements of the State Government, Dr. Chandy said that the green teachers have a responsible role in promoting the green policies and initiatives taken by the Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling. Shri C. S Rao informed about recent green policies on ban on throwing garbage from vehicles, ban of use of firecrackers, ban of Styrofoam, ban on packaged drinking water bottles in government functions and meetings and requested all the schools to actively follow the same. Dr. Chandy released a short film “MUSKAN” themed on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan prepared by Eco-Club of Government Girls’ Sr. Secondary School, West Sikkim which was also screened for the participants. Dr Chandy also released pictorial pocket-sized booklet “Nature’s Marvel” published by ENVIS for use in school eco-club activity.


The training programme was intended to help the schools to prepare younger generation to understand current environmental challenges and build knowledge and skills through action oriented projects. On successful completion of the green environment audit, the schools will be certified by CSE as the green school of the country depending on school’s resource efficient initiatives. The participating schools will also be registering for the National and State level Green Schools competitive programmes. It is also to mention that, several schools from Sikkim have been awarded amongst the top 10 green schools of the country by CSE in the past. The forest department is also providing token eco-club grant of Rs.2500/- each with resource materials like Eco-Club handbook, Green Schools Manual etc to 766 School Eco-Clubs of Sikkim State.


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