ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Sikkim Celebrated World Environment Day


WED 2016 World Environment Day 2016 Celebrated in Sikkim


June 5, 2016


(Pic: Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling planting Azalea sapling at Mangan School complex on the occasion of World Environment Day )


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World Environment Day 2016 was celebrated throughout the State of Sikkim on Sunday the 5th of June hugely participated by schools, panchayats, municipalities, NGOs, JFMCs/ EDCs, urban and local bodies, private companies, political dignitaries and public at large. Major events was organised at the district and state-level by the State Forests, Environment and Wildlife Management Department. Activities like plantation drives, cleanliness drives, eco-competitions (Essay writing, painting, slogan, debates etc), green school awards and felicitation programmes were organised at the school and local level throughout the State. More than 25,000 seedlings were planted at various locations throughout the State on this day.


No. of Seedlings planted during World Environment Day SN



No. Of Seedlings planted


North Sikkim



East Sikkim



West Sikkim



South Sikkim





Figure Source: Territorial Division, FEWMD


State- Level Celebration: State Level World Environment Day was celebrated at the premise of Government Senior Secondary School, Mangan, North Sikkim on 5th June (Sunday) 2016 in presence of massive gathering of about 5000 students, teachers, panchayats, political dignitaries, government officers and local public accommodated in a befittingly staged pandal at the school’s playground.


The programme began with the ceremonial plantation of indigenous saplings at the school’s complex by the Chief Guest Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling, Hon’ble Minister Forests, Shri T.W. Lepcha and other political dignitaries.


The day was observed to acknowledge the effort of various schools in the State in regard to conservation and protection of the environment. The felicitation cum awareness programme was organised as a major attraction of the day.


Addressing the gathering, the Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling spoke on the need to give serious attention towards protection of environment. The Chief Minister appealed to everyone to work towards a cleaner, greener and sustainable world by creating awareness on environmental issues. He mentioned that Sikkim government is conscious on environment preservation and is continuously working towards environmental enrichment with different green policies. He urged the students and public to continuously extend their support to State government’s green measures. Highlighting the recent green policy interventions of the government, the Chief Minister informed that the state government has already banned the burning of garbage, use of firecrackers, use of Styrofoam materials, controlled use of packaged bottle water in government meetings and functions, and mentioned that the concerned departments should keep check on its implementation.


Forest Minister Shri T.W. Lepcha, in his address, mentioned that inflow of tourists in Sikkim has increased due to Sikkim being a clean and green State. He mentioned that with the long term vision and unique policies of the Chief Minister on environment, Sikkim has won several awards and accomplishment across the globe and the Hon’ble Prime Minister himself has lauded our good works in different parts of the world.


During the programme, the Chief Minister released the special edition ENVIS newsletter titled “PANDA Vol 8”. He also released a booklet “Guidelines for Trek Route Development”, “Notification on Heritage Trees of Sikkim” and official logos of Shingba Rhododendron Sanctuary and Fhambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary.


On the occasion, the students of North Sikkim Academy, Mangan presented a beautifully poised play supported by choir with message for conservation and protection of the wildlife duly contemplating the theme of the day. The programme was also followed by integration dance representing different communities of the State.


In order to acknowledge the efforts of schools for their environment action, Chief Minister’s Green School Rolling Trophy and State Green School Award 2016 consisting of cash prizes up to Rs. 14.50 lakh were presented to eight schools under Sr. Secondary/ Secondary, Jr. High School, Primary School and Private school categories as under. .






Sonam Choda Lepcha Memorial, Government Sec. School, Lingdong, North Sikkim

CM Rolling Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize – Rs. 5.00 lakhs


Government  Senior Secondary School, Hee- Yangthang, West Sikkim

CM Rolling Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize – Rs. 5.00 lakhs


Government Secondary School, Bongten, West Sikkim

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 1.00 lakh


Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Gyalshing, West Sikkim

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 1.00 lakh


Government Sec. School, Aho Shanti, East Sikkim

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 1.00 lakh


Government Junior High School, Mangzing, South Sikkim

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 50,000/-


Government Primary School, Som Busty, West Sikkim

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 50,000/-


Greenvale Academy, Machong, East Sikkim (Pvt.)

Trophy/ Certificate/ Cash prize- Rs. 50,000/-



The Chief Guest also handed away the Rajya Van Sanrakshan Evam Paryavaran Puraskar consisting of a certificate and cash prize of Rs. 5000/- each to Shri. Phurden Tshering Lepcha EDC President of Lingdok Nampong East Sikkim and Shri Mohan Kumar Gurung, Head Forest Guard of Territorial Range Gangtok, East Sikkim on the occasion.


The Chief Guest also handed away the token cheques of Rs. 1,80,000/- each for supporting income generating activities to the following JFMC/ EDC representatives;
• Bey Pentong EDC, KNP, North Sikkim
• Tingbong EDC, KNP Dzongu, North Sikkim
• Kabi Rongpa JFMC, Phodong, North Sikkim
• Meyong Manul JFMC, Mangan, North Sikkim


On the occasion, the chief guest presented LCD projector with screen sponsored by Himgiri Hydel Electric Project to Government Senior Secondary School Mangan, North Sikkim and also handed away various medical equipments sponsored by Sikkim Engineering Private Limited to Mangan District Hospital, North Sikkim.


Earlier, the day long programme had begun with welcome address by Principal Secretary –cum- PCCF, Dr. Thomas Chandy by highlighting the major environmental initiatives of the state government and also addressing the gathering on the UNEP theme of World Environment Day 2016 – “Fight Against the Illegal Trade in Wildlife”.


The programme ended at about 5 pm in the evening with a vote of thanks by the Chief Conservator of Forests (Territorial/ Headquarter) Shri C.S. Rao.


District and Local Level Celebration: Similarly, the World Environment Day was celebrated at the district and local level in other South, East and West Districts of the State. Various programmes such plantation drives, cleanliness drives, eco-competitions on essay writing, painting and debate; rally were organised at the school and local level by district/ divisions of the State Forests, Environment and Wildlife Management. The district level programmes were graced by local political dignitaries as the chief guest and participated in numbers by students, teachers, panchayats, local NGOs, private companies, government officers and general public.

The district level programmes were organised at the following venues;

District               Programme Venue

South Sikkim - Lower Primary School complex, Lower Kitam (At the periphery of Kitam Bird Sanctuary)

East Sikkim - Government Secondary School complex, Namcheybong, Pakyong

West Sikkim - Okharey, Sombaria



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