ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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SoE Report to be prepared for Sikkim


One Day Inception Workshop held for Preparation of State of Environment Report for Sikkim


24th July, 2015 | Forest Conference Hall


ENVIS Sikkim Report: ENVIS Centre at Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim in collaboration with the Development Alternatives, New Delhi organized a one day inception workshop for preparation of State of Environment (SoE) Report for Sikkim on the 24th of July 2015 at Forest Conference Hall, Deorali, Gangtok. The workshop was inaugurated by the Minister for Forest, Environment & Wildlife, Mines, Minerals & Geology, Science & Technology and Climate Change Departments Shri Tshering Wangdi Lepcha. Participated by officer representatives from different government departments, institutions and NGOs throughout the State, the workshop was also participated by senior officers Shri M. P. Johnson, Statistical Adviser and Dr. M. Salahuddin, Director from the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India.


ENVIS Centre Sikkim hosted by the State Forest Department will be preparing the second SoE Report for Sikkim in consultation with several expert agencies of the country. A New Delhi based organization Development Alternatives has been appointed as the National Host Institute to facilitate the State in report design, capacity building on SoE framework and multi-stakeholders consultations. The first SoE Report was published byENVIS Sikkim of the Sikkim forest department during 2007. The basic aim of this reporting process is to bring out an overview of the environmental scenario of the State for mainstreaming environment in policy and decision making. It is anticipated that through SoE report, State Government would be able to integrate environmental dimensions in their socio-economic planning for sustainable development.


The SoE Report will be an important tool for several developmental activities. It will be used by policy and decision makers, researchers, students and environmental enthusiasts. The main objective of this workshop is to frame the basic structure for outlining the comprehensive content of SoE Report for Sikkim. This report is expected to be completed in nine months duration.


Pic: Stakeholder participation during the workshop