ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Latest News(Archive)

Sikkim Celebrates WED


Sonamti Memorial Government Sr. Secondary School, Khamdong, East Sikkim wins the Chief Minister's Green School Rolling Trophy 2015 with a cash prize of Rs. 5.0 lakhs. Total eight schools (SSS/SS/JHS/PS/Pvt) awarded.


ENVIS SIKKIM REPORT | 5 JUNE, 2015: State Level World Environment Day was celebrated at the premises of Sir Tashi Namgyal Government Senior Secondary School, Development Area, Gangtok, Sikkim. The programme began with the ceremonial plantation of about 100 indigenous saplings by the Chief Guest Hon’ble Minister (RMDD) Shri S.B. Subedi, Hon’ble Minister (Forests) Shri T.W. Lepcha and other political dignitaries,
Upadhaksyas, Adakhshyas, Head of Departments, officers, principals, teachers, students and general public.
The day was observed to acknowledge the effort of various schools in the State in regards to conservation and protection of the school’s environment. The felicitation cum awareness programme was organised at the school auditorium.

The programme began with the welcome address by PCCF- cum- Principal Secretary Dr. Thomas Chandy by highlighting and addressing the gathering on the theme of this year’s World Environment Day – “Seven billion Dreams. One Plant, consume with Care”. 

The Hon’ble Minister (Forests) Shri T.W. Lepcha highlighted environment achievements of the Government and appealed the people especially students to be the leader of the future and take wise step towards conserving and protecting the environment. The Chief Guest on the occasion Hon’ble Minister (RMDD) Shri S.B. Subedi talked about the conservation of local and native trees, protection of young plants and appealed to all to be model for one another for environment protection and conservation. He also congratulated the awardee schools and Department Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management for the organising the event.

The ENVIS Centre in this Department Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management played a key role in organising World Environment Day celebration. Being the nodal agency for the environment education cell, ENVIS had scrutinised reports from about 80 schools throughout the state, conducted screenings, physical monitoring and recommended about 28 schools to the selection committee .......See More


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