ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Latest News(Archive)

3Rs of JMFC & EDC in Sikkim

Rationalization, Re-organization & Re-constitution (3R) of JFMC and EDC in Sikkim

State Forest Development Agency

Department of Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management

Government of Sikkim



Why 3R ?

(Rationalization, Re-organization & Re-constitution)

  • Overlapping JFMC & EDC in same GPU Ward
  • Some JFMC/s near Sanctuary or far away from Reserve Forest (incipient database of Khasmal/Gorucharan location) location)
  • Some EDC/s near Reserve Forest or far away from Wildlife Protected Area
  • More than one JFMC and/or EDC in same ward
  • One JFMC/EDC covering more than one GPU
  • Involvement of key stakeholders at the grass root level not visible
  • Need for strengthening documentation

» See the Presentation Handouts for Details. Click Here

» Also See SFDA Sikkim