ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Friday, September 27, 2024

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National Biodiversity Authority - Amendments 2013



New Delhi, the 31st October, 2013.

S.O. 3299 (E)—In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) and (4) of Section 8 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 (18 of 2003), the Central Government has established a body called the National Biodiversity Authority, on and from the 1st day of October, 2003 for the purposes of the said Act. After expiry of the term of the nonofficial members on 21st February, 2013, the Central Government hereby appoints the following non-official members to the National Biodiversity Authority and for that purpose amends the notification number S.O. 262 (E) dated 22nd February, 2007, and subsequent Notification No. S.O. 389(E) dated 17th February, 2010, on and from 17th October, 2013 namely:—

In the said notification, for serial number 12 to 15 and the entries relating thereto, the following serial numbers and entries shall be substituted, namely:—

(12)      Dr. S.Subramaniyan, (Appointed upto 16-10-2016)

No.54, VGP, Golden Sea View,

Part-II, 2nd Main Road,

5th Cross Street, Palavakkam,

Chennai-600 041

(13)      Dr. R.S.Rana, (Appointed upto 16-10-2016)

Chairman, Bio-Link

D-43, Indraprastha Apartments

Sector 14, Rohini

New Delhi-110 025

(14)      Prof. M.K. Ramesh, (Appointed upto 16-10-2016)

Professor of Law,

National Law School of India,



(15)      Biswajit Dhar, (Appointed upto 16-10-2016)

Director General,

Research and Information System (RIS),

Core 4B, 4th floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,

New Delhi-110003


[F. No. J-22018/46/2003-CS-III ]

S.P.S. PARIHAR, Jt. Secy.