ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Namchi Girls SSS and Lower Samdong SS to be conferred National level Green Schools Award 2014 by CSE


Namchi Girls Sr. Secondary School

Namchi Girls SSS and Lower Samdong SS to be conferred National level Green Schools Award 2014 by CSE

ENVIS SIKKIM Report: Two schools from Sikkim have made into the top 10 schools of the country under the Gobar Times Green Schools National Award 2014. These awards would be conferred by the “Centre for Science and Environment”, a New Delhi based organization of international repute.

The Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Namchi, South Sikkim and the Government Secondary School, Lower Samdong, East Sikkim have been selected among the top 10 schools in the country under the categories of “New Schools” and “Change Makers” respectively.

This year, CSE has assessed the performance of more than 15000 schools nationwide under two categories amongst which eleven schools were nominated from Sikkim State.

Efforts towards initiating green movement in the State schools have borne fruit. It is really a proud moment for the State that the government schools are winning honours at the National level regularly by implementing innovative environment conservation programmes under the Green Schools Programme coordinated in the State by ENVIS cell of the Forest department.    

Both the schools have shown innovative positive change in the school’s environment in terms of practices followed to improve the quality, usage, sustainability of land, air, water, energy and waste resources.

The National awards will be conferred in a National level function at New Delhi after the State Assembly and Parliament elections are concluded.

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