ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Area, Production and Productivity of Barley in Sikkim.


Barley is a minor rabi cereal crop of Sikkim grown only in small pockets over an area of about 1.15 thousand hectare. The production of barley is subjected by systematic implementation of Agronomic Practices as well as crop improvement work including introduction and Acclimatization of high yielding varieties.


  Year Area (000’ hectares) Production (000’ tones) Productivity (kg./ha)
1. 2003-2004 1.23 1.51 1227.64
2. 2004-2005 1.23 1.52 1235.00
3. 2005-2006 1.23 1.59 1292.68
4. 2006-2007 1.15 1.27 1104.35
5. 2007-2008 0.71 0.66   929.58
6. 2008-2009 0.50 0.47   930.00
7. 2009-2010 1.00 0.92   920.00
8. 2010-2011 0.64 0.61   951.09
9. 2011-2012 0.65 0.63   965.52
10. 2012-2013 0.59 0.59 1000.00
11. 2013-2014 0.58 0.59 1020.69
12. 2014-2015 0.57 0.60 1052.60
13. 2015-2016 0.45 0.47 1055.93
14. 2016-2017 0.45 0.48 1061.81
15. 2017-2018 0.42 0.45 1072.64
16. 2018-2019 0.79 0.84 1072.69
17. 2019-2020 0.40 0.46 1150.83
18. 2020-2021 0.35 0.40 1167.63

Source: Annual Reports, Food Security & Agriculture Development Department, Government of Sikkim