ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 16, 2025


ENVIS is a decentralized system with a network of distributed subject oriented Centers ensuring integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned.


Realizing the importance of Environmental Information, the  Government of India, in December, 1982, established an Environmental Information System(ENVIS) as a plan programme. The focus of ENVIS since inception has been on providing environmental information to decision makers, policy planners, scientists and engineers, research workers, etc. all over the country. Presently the ENVIS network consists of Focal Point at the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and ENVIS Centers setup in different organizations/establishments in the country in selected areas of environment.  These Centers have been set up in the areas of pollution control, toxic chemicals, central and offshore ecology, environmentally sound and appropriate technology, bio-degradation of wastes and environment management, etc. ENVIS focal point ensures integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned.


ENVIS (Environmental Information System) is a plan scheme under the Economic Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. The ENVIS serves as a single-stop web-enabled repository of comprehensive environmental information with collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of the same through a nationwide network of ENVIS Hubs (hosted by the Environment/ Forest Department of State Governments/ UT Administrations) and ENVIS Resource Partners (RPs) (hosted by environment related governmental and non-governmental organizations/institutes of professional excellence).

Sikkim ENVIS Hub hosted at Forest and Environment Department, Government of Sikkim since 2002 handles the following areas of work related to the revamped ENVIS Scheme, after termination of the XIIth Five Year Plan.


The objectives of the scheme are as follows:


1. To promote, implement and coordinate Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP), an initiative to skill youth in environment, forest and wildlife sectors and enabling them to be gainfully employed or self-employed.

2. To implement and coordinate National Environment Survey (NES) - a Grid-based Resource Information and Decision Support System (GRIDSS) for sustainable management of natural resources. The survey would be conducted at the district level to fill in data gaps in respect of various environmental parameters such as emission inventory and pollution; forest and wildlife (flora and fauna); wetlands; rivers and other water bodies; public health etc.

3. To implement and coordinate Community-driven Environmentally Sustainable Village Programme (CESVP) with the objective of mobilizing communities on environmental issues, creating decentralized models of development to empower local communities and build an awareness driven atmosphere in villages to adopt environmentally sustainable practices at community level.

4. To build a repository and dissemination centre in Environmental Science, Information and Management (ESIM).

5. To enable application of modem technologies of acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information of environmental nature.

6. To support and promote research, development and innovation in ESIM.

7. To build storage, retrieval and dissemination capabilities, with the ultimate objective of disseminating information speedily to the users.

8. To build a strong statistical base such that ENVIS is recognised as a South Asian Hub for ESIM.

9. To promote national cooperation and liaise with agencies concerned for exchange of environment related information.

10. To promote, support and assist education and personnel training programmes designed to enhance ESIM capabilities.


The ENVIS scheme is headed by;


Sr. Economic Advisor

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

Government of India

Agni Wing-454, 4th Floor

Indira Paryavaran Bhawan

Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi 110 003(India)

Tel.: +91-11-24695367, Email: arun_kumar[at]nic[dot]in


Sikkim State ENVIS Hub

This center is a State Government Centre functioning under Forest and Environment Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok.


Subject Area: On Status of Environment and its Related Issues


Location : The Center has been established at the Ground Floor of the Betula (B) Block, Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok, East Sikkim.


Administration: Sikkim State ENVIS Hub is functioning under the over all administration of the Additional Chief Secretary cum PCCF, Forest and Environment Department, Government of Sikkim. The day to day affairs of the center are being supervised and managed by the Director (Planning/ Environment and Soil Conservation Circle/ ENVIS), who is also the Programme Coordinator for ENVIS Centre Sikkim. The Joint Director (ENVIS) is the Co-Coordinator of Sikkim ENVIS Hub to oversee the ENVIS activities .There are four project staff working under the center to look after the needs of collection, compilation, database development, updating of  information on the database and in websites, facilitation of ENVIS programmes such as GSDP, ISBIED etc.

Sikkim ENVIS Hub's Coordinator: Shri. B. B. Gurung IFS, Director (Environment & Soil Conservation, Planning and ENVIS)

Sikkim ENVIS Hub's Co-Coordinator: Mrs. Kusum Gurung SFS, Joint Director (ENVIS/ SPCB)

Sikkim ENVIS Hub Team

  1. Shri. Rajen Pradhan - Sr. Programme Officer
  2. Shri. Laxuman Darnal - Information Officer
  3. Ms. Renu Gurung - IT Officer
  4. Ms. Tulsha Gurung - Data Entry Operator 



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